A Hardcore Gamer Must Survive a Real-World Crisis in New Young Adult Novel
In my new book, Why Save Alexander, seventeen-year-old Alex Brooks is obsessed with going pro until he suddenly goes missing. He must face a life or death struggle in a foreign culture that doesn’t have a power grid. His digital world didn’t prepare him for these challenges. Alex also hides a deep secret, the cavernous void in his life that nothing seems to fill. He gains a new perspective on what it means to become a man and what it takes to be a hero.
I was inspired to write this story after two significant moments left a deep impression on me. The first happened years ago when speaking to a youth group about making wise media and entertainment choices. After my presentation a twelve-year-old approached me to share how the message that evening had a positive impact on him. He confessed to being addicted to playing video games but he also described his broken home and his greatest challenge, “I am lonely, I don’t know what to do with myself.” This insightful and heartfelt statement became the seed for Why Save Alexander.
The second moment watered that seed while listening to a seminar on the importance of storytelling. The speaker encouraged Christians to learn the craft and get better at communicating stories to our generation. It made me think about my ministry to teens and motivated me to try and write a creative and compelling novel.
The result is this coming-of-age story that follows Alex as he is forced to grow up the hard way through extraordinary circumstances, which cause him to reevaluate what’s important in life, his need for God, and the positive influence of older mentors.
This book has been over seven years in the making and I’m excited to announce that it is available now for pre-order on Amazon and will be ready to ship on December 17, 2019 in hardcover, paperback, and Kindle. I look forward to announcing the release of the audio book as soon as the publisher confirms the date (presently 1/14/2020).
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“Teens and young adult men and women will enjoy and benefit from this book. It’s full of action vividly described. It moves quickly and will engage the reader. This gripping story is full of much truth. In clever and creative ways, Phillip causes readers to think about and evaluate their lives, relationships, goals, purposes, and passions. They may not even realize they’re thinking about these things while enjoying the book, but it will be good for them. I expect some readers will make changes in their lives because of Phillip’s important story. I don’t read much fiction because it doesn’t move me, but I could not put this book down.”
“Phillip Telfer is a master story-teller, drawing the reader into a tale that is both epic and intimate. This book is an unexpected reading adventure with an irresistible plot line, curious characters, and exotic cinematic backdrops. Why Save Alexander showcases Telfer’s rare knack for supplying pithy and profound cultural insight. He blends high stakes drama and winsome fun with a deeply thought-provoking message to produce a delightfully soul-stirring tale.”
“Phillip Telfer is a dear friend and a wise and engaging communicator whose heart for Christ and the gospel is evident in all that he does. This book is embedded with an important and timely theme for our generation.”
“An entertaining story driven by values you can feel good about.”
“There was a time in my life—many moons ago—that I read for fun. Give me a Hardy Boys mystery or Nancy Drew novel (not just for girls!) and I would be transported into a world of adventure and intrigue where the good ‘guys’ accomplished something daring and noble. That was then. Now? Two of my last books have been about theology and religious criticism. I just don’t take the time for mystery and adventure. But I should. Why Save Alexander started out as a read as a favor for a friend, but morphed into a nostalgic throwback—only with a Christian underpinning that came naturally in this story. And left me wanting to read the next book in this series—if one should be written.”
“Phillip Teller tells a good story here that is sure to engage the young teen as well as adult reader. Why Save Alexander walks the fine line between the real world and the metaphoric, but leaves the reader with a firmer grasp on reality—God’s reality—real reality. The message could not be more powerful and important for the post-modern, thoughtful reader.”